
Win a £150 Experience Voucher

Win a £150 Experience Voucher

Competition is now closed.


I look after communications and marketing at Dairy Diary. I’m a busy mum and love home baking and cooking for my family. In my spare time I enjoy visiting the theatre, eating out with friends and exploring the great outdoors!
    • Jacqueline Simmons
    • 08/03/2021

    Spa day for my daughter and myself

    • heather cox
    • 07/03/2021

    A spa day for me and my wonderful mum

  1. I would choose a two night hotel break how lovely would that be, good luck all….

    • Christine Henderson
    • 14/02/2021

    Just to treat my two daughters as a thank you for being on The other end of the phone during lockdown.

    • Heather Nisbet
    • 13/02/2021

    A family meal when we are allowed to meet again would be a great gift

    • Daphne
    • 12/02/2021

    Treat my daughter to afternoon tea as she has been battling cancer

    • Mrs Jane Smith
    • 11/02/2021

    Luxury in lockdown – bring it on!

    • Martin Law
    • 11/02/2021

    Some great treats on offer, i would love to be able to treat my good lady to an amazing day out.

    • Mrs Jayne Voisey
    • 10/02/2021

    Would love to take the dog for a weekend away. Been missing the beach.

    • Maureen Fitch
    • 10/02/2021

    All looks great.Something to share with my husband would be best.

    • Christine Turner
    • 09/02/2021

    Wonderful choice of prizes. Difficult to choose one. I would love to win and to try several others in the future.

  2. A girly pamper session, I have missed that so much

      • Karl Wheeler
      • 10/02/2021

      Pick me out!!

  3. |I want to be spoilt.

    • Lyndsay Daw
    • 08/02/2021

    I would treat my 5 year old daughter. She has done me proud all through lockdowns.

    • Anne Thompson
    • 08/02/2021

    A spa day would be heavenly

    • Dean Palmer
    • 08/02/2021

    Fingers, toes & eyes crossed!!

  4. lovely prize

    • Laura Linsey
    • 07/02/2021

    Treat her experience box

    • Fiona Scarce
    • 07/02/2021

    Great competition

    1. Amazing prize
      Good luck to everyone
      We all need something to look forward to in this current situation

    • 07/02/2021


    • Kath Johnston
    • 07/02/2021

    Too many to chose from. Maybe a meal out (when we are allowed) or a girly pamper session.

    • Rebekah Lewington
    • 07/02/2021

    Meal at prezzos 🙂

    1. I would do a fun family activity to use as a a bonding opportunity after spending way too much time together!

  5. Definitely a hot air balloon flight

  6. I hope I win a prize.

  7. Indoor Carting! Been wanting to do this for so long 🙂

      • Carole
      • 11/02/2021

      I would love to do the balloon trip, that would be Amazing!!

  8. This would be a wonderful gift for my elderly parents who buy me the Diary every year. We haven’t seen each other since December 2019 as we live in different countries and are extremely respectful of the co-vid restrictions.

    • Derek Greenaway
    • 07/02/2021

    Here’s hoping

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